Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Sisters of the Bucket

Who are we?

We are the women who look in the mirror and see their mothers. We are the women who have visible pantylines when we aren't wearing any underwear. We spend more and more time grooming and running to doctors. We have noticed a striking resemblance between our the way our mouths look and another orifice of our bodies much farther south. That same orifice still suffers the indignities of childbirth, hemorrhoids and a unending need to wipe, even though the pregnancy which caused it is almost in Junior High.

We are the invisible women; the formerly beautiful or sexy. We enter a room and the heads which used to turn, continue scanning the room for the currently beautiful and sexy.

The lucky among us are connected, powerful, successful. Most of us are just ignored.

We are the devotees of More magazine, scanning each issue for recommendations on the most effective wrinkle creams; hoping that there is still at least one model older than we.

We wake up in a pool of our own sweat and ride the emotional rollercoaster of perimenopause. Where is our comfort? There is the potential savings on tampons, but this will be wiped out staving off osteoporosis.

We must band together! Support each other meeting over cheap bottles of champagne, frozen pizza, and buckets of chicken.

It is from this we take our name- Bucket Sisters. Join us!